
  1. 9 Silly Words Every Parent Should Teach Their Kids

  2. Are These Slang Words Already Old?

  3. “M.D.” vs. “Ph.D.” vs. “Dr.”: Are They Synonyms?

    Quick: when you hear the word doctor, what do you picture? Most would probably describe someone in a white lab coat with a stethoscope hanging around their neck or someone in medical scrubs—someone you would seek out if you have a deep cut that needed stitches. That word doctor, however, is a title assigned to many who don’t come close to that description, many of …

  4. Coronavirus: The Words You Need To Understand The News

    by John Kelly, Senior Research Editor at The situation of the coronavirus outbreak is changing fast. And news and information about the disease can be overwhelming, not least of which are the many new, confusing, and technical terms being used about the outbreak. Understanding these terms is essential to helping people stay informed and safe—and we take seriously our role in defining and explaining …

  5.’s Words To Inspire You For Earth Day

    We love the earth, it’s beautiful, amazing … and it needs our help. The phrase Earth Day originated in 1969. It means “a day’s observance of the need to protect the Earth’s environment, in many countries on April 22.” The first Earth Day was organized by Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin in 1970. He was upset that politics and media were not addressing the concerns of our …

  6. English Vocab Activities For Middle School Students

    Want your kid to build their English vocabulary and have fun? We’ve collected over 10 vocab activities aimed at middle school students to build vocab, explain different parts of the English language, and answer those common English language questions. You might even have a little bit of fun. Learning about words in the news Read the following coronavirus informational texts.  What does COVID-19 mean? Coronavirus: …

  7. “Exercise” vs. “Exorcise”: What’s The Difference?

    We hear it all of the time: working out is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. But is it exercise or exorcise that healthcare professionals constantly remind us is good for our health? Although some do believe in the importance of exorcise because it means “to free evil spirits,” it’s exercise that has to do with bodily movement that helps to keep us physically and …

  8. “Climactic” vs. “Climatic”

    There’s nothing worse than getting ensconced in a book that’s building up to a big moment … only to be interrupted and have to put it down before the most exciting part. Are you missing out on the climatic moment? Or was it the climactic scene that got disturbed before you could read it through? Although they look and sound alike, these two adjectives are …

  9. Dog, Boy, And Other Words With Unknown Origins

  10. Vocab Activities To Prepare For High School

    Prepare your middle school kids for high school with these vocab activities Do you have a middle-schooler preparing for high school? Challenge them with over 10 vocab activities designed for high school age students. Learning about roots of words Roots can form words in our current language by reconstructing original words from a parent language. Learn more about roots of words by looking for some …

  11. Ways To Rephrase The Most Insulting Ways To Say “Goodbye”

    What do you do when you want to say “goodbye” to something (or someone), but don’t really feel the good part of that sentiment? Whether you’re late to a meeting and stuck on the phone, or just nodding your head in mock agreement as someone prattles on endlessly (with no clue they lost you 10 minutes ago), we’d like to offer you advice. It’s true, …

  12. Yum Alert! Girl Scout Cookie Names Explained