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  1.’s Words To Inspire You For Earth Day

    We love the earth, it’s beautiful, amazing … and it needs our help. The phrase Earth Day originated in 1969. It means “a day’s observance of the need to protect the Earth’s environment, in many countries on April 22.” The first Earth Day was organized by Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin in 1970. He was upset that politics and media were not addressing the concerns of our …

  2. The Forgotten Verses Of “The Star-Spangled Banner”

    Do you know all the words to “The Star-Spangled Banner”? Many people have difficulty memorizing the lyrics of the first verse of the US anthem, which is commonly performed at sports events and other public gatherings. But did you know that there are three additional verses that we almost never hear? As if one verse weren’t hard enough to learn … Why is the “Star-Spangled …

  3. Laying Down The Law On “Sedition” vs. “Treason” vs. “Insurrection” vs. “Coup”

    On January 6, 2021, interest in the words insurrection, sedition, treason, and coup all surged on on after a mob of supporters of Donald Trump stormed the US Capitol building on the day Congress was set to certify the electoral vote count to confirm Joe Biden’s presidential election victory. Many journalists, political analysts, and politicians all used these very serious—and consequential—words to refer to …

  4. It’s Time To Learn Some Time Zone Terminology

    No one truly needs a watch these days. We all have clocks in our pockets—our smartphones. Another benefit of this technology? The clock on our smartphone automatically changes when we enter a new time zone. Amazing! But, even though we don’t need to pay as much attention to time zones these days, that doesn’t mean they don’t still impact our lives. Let’s synchronize our watches …

  5. “Dissent” vs. “Protest”: Why Choosing The Right Word Matters

    Demonstrations against racism and police brutality have put the words dissent and protest at the center of our vocabulary this year. has seen a surge of interest in these words, which speak to their relevance to our current times. The death of George Floyd—a Black man who was killed after a white police officer, Derek Chauvin, kneeled on his neck for nearly nine minutes—has inspired worldwide protests that continue …

  6. What Do The Latin Phrases And Symbols On The Dollar Bill Mean?

    Whether you call it a buck, a single, a one, or a bill, the linen and cotton-blend currency resting in your wallet at this very moment contains a smorgasbord of images, symbols and Latin phrases—some hidden in plain sight. What do they mean and, once deciphered, can they unlock a series of veiled messages from our forefathers? Where does the word dollar come from? The …

  7. What Is In The Oath Of Office?

    Like clockwork, we hear the presidential oath of office every four years. Thirty-five words that basically give the incoming Chief Executive the keys to the proverbial car. And the nuclear launch codes. The National Museum of American History says that Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution “requires that before presidents can assume their duties they must take the oath of office.” Once the incoming …

  8. yellow background with text "Oof..." white and green

    What’s With “Oof,” “Meh,” And Other Popular Interjections?

    Sometimes you don’t need an intricate phrase to express shock, dismay, or joy. Sometimes an emphatic interjection is all that’s required. An interjection is a word or phrase that expresses something in a sudden or exclamatory way, especially an emotion.  Often, interjections are paired with facial expressions or hand gestures to really drive the point home about the feeling we have. Think about the interjection …

  9. spaceship abducting truck

    What Is Science Fiction? The Elements That Define Sci-Fi

    From fire to the internet, science and technology have shaped and changed the world. But we can imagine so much more. Time travel! Teleportation! Interstellar spaceships! These (at least for the time being) are the realm of science fiction. In this article, we’ll discuss what elements contribute to a story being categorized as sci-fi and provide examples on page and on screen, including “hard sci-fi” …

  10. Democrats And Republicans: Why Are They Donkeys And Elephants?

    While the bald eagle is a national symbol for the United States, the two major political parties that govern it are often represented by two different animals: a donkey for the Democratic Party and an elephant for the Republican Party. These animals are commonly linked with these two parties in everything from political analysis to bumper stickers. Why these two animals, though? Why not an …

  11. “Placebo” vs. “Nocebo”: The Good And The Bad

    Surely, you’ve heard of placebo before. Wait, no … not that Placebo … not the late ’90s British band. We mean the dummy drug that, despite not having any pharmacological property, can still make you feel better—pretty much like the rock band, right? Well, you might not know that placebo has an evil twin. Its name is nocebo, and it’s the bad guy. At first …