Search Results for: 'tis the season

  1. logo with books emerging from it, on blue background.

    How New Words Get Added To—And How The Dictionary Works

    Language is a living thing, and so is Our dictionary will always be a work in progress—there’s no day in the future when we’ll mark it “complete” after adding the last word. This never-ending work is the job of our lexicographers, the (amazingly talented) people who write and edit the dictionary. They do more than just add and define words. They also add new …

  2. close up of venetian carnival mask

    What Do Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, And Lent Mean?

    As anyone who is familiar with Christian holidays knows, winter is jam-packed with important observances. Christmas is well known, but there are many occasions with great religious significance leading up to spring that are less familiar to many: Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, and Lent. In the simplest sense, all of these days are lead-ins to the central Christian festival of Easter. Some are …

  3. treasury department building; green filter

    A Plain Language Guide To The Government Debt Ceiling

    In the United States, the debt ceiling is often a major source of heated debate among members of Congress. Often, the president also finds themself brought into the debt ceiling battle. If you don’t follow politics or economics too closely, you might be wondering what the heck the debt ceiling is. Is it really so important that Congress needs to fight about it seemingly every …

  4. Deep Web vs. Dark Web: What’s The Difference?

    Have you ever wandered the recesses of the deep web and dark web? Or have you simply wondered what these expressions mean? These two terms are just as mysterious as they sound, but they’re not synonyms, despite how similar they may seem at first glance. There’s a lot of confusion out there about how to distinguish between these two terms, which both define hidden aspects of the Internet. …

  5. map germany, red text "words from Germany"

    English Could Really Use These 15 Wunderbar German Words

    German can be daunting to English speakers, with its mile-long mouthfuls like Rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaft (“a legal protection insurance company”). But it’s easy to forget that English is a Germanic language. Historically, the two languages are closely related in core vocabulary (compare English arm and German der Arm), sound system, and structure (if we look at Old English grammar). What’s more, many familiar English words, from angst …

  6. How To Respond When Kids Say “No Fair”

    Spoiler alert: it is not by saying, “Yeah, well life’s not fair!” Children are not immune to the inequalities and injustices of the world. Sometimes they see more of what is going on around them than their parents and caregivers give them credit for. That being said, sometimes kids still respond to something as simple as not getting their way with cries of inequity. As …

  7. virus under microscope

    How Disease Names Like Monkeypox Can Mislead And Stigmatize

    When it comes to disease, we’re more and more aware of symptoms, prevention, treatments, and long-term effects. But there’s another, often less-considered factor that can have far-reaching consequences for public health: a disease’s name. What we call a disease—both popularly and officially—can affect how people perceive it, whether they understand how its spread can be prevented, and whether they seek treatment for it. The fact …

  8. latinx latnie latina latino colorful text

    Latine vs. Latinx: How And Why They’re Used

    The terms we use to refer to other people—and ourselves—can communicate a lot about identity, and sometimes even a single letter can make a big difference. Perhaps you know the words Latino and Latina. But have you encountered Latinx or Latine? Even if you have, you might still be confused about why they’re used and whether there’s a difference. In this article, we’ll explain the …

  9. Wrap Your Head Around These 26 Hard Words To Pronounce

    The pronunciation of words in English is not always straightforward. Unlike some languages, such as French or Spanish, there is not always a direct relationship between the spelling of words and how they are said aloud. In technical terms, there is not always a consistent relationship between graphemes (basically, writing units) and their phonemes (sounds) in English. There are a couple of reasons for this. The English …

  10. artwork of women in early 1800s promenading, titled "Beaux And Belles Of The Regency Period" by Henry Gillard Glindoni in teal filter.

    Prepare For The Lavish World Of Bridgerton With 16 Regency Period Words

    This spring may be a bit steamier than usual, thanks to the return of the hit Netflix show Bridgerton. This Regency romance with a modern twist took audiences by storm last year with its unpredictable plot, historical setting, and very attractive cast of characters. If you watched the first season last year or you’re catching up now, you may find yourself wondering what some of …

  11. Getty

    The Important Rise Of “#DemThrones”

    by Kimberly C. Ellis, PhD I remember that Sunday so clearly. I saw something called “#RedWedding” trending on Twitter and when I clicked on the hashtag, I discovered it was related to the hit television show Game of Thrones already into its third season. I decided that night I would find out about the show, watch it for the first time, and learn about this Red …

  12. The Major Facts About The Month of Ramadan

    Every year, Muslims around the world observe Ramadan by fasting during the daylight hours for 30 days. It’s a tradition written into the Qur’an itself, and Ramadan is one of the most important months for followers of Islam. From when it starts (the date changes every year with respect to the Gregorian calendar) to the strict set of dietary rules for the month, here’s what …