Tag Archives: interest-confusables

  1. Simile vs. Metaphor: Understand The Difference

    The difference between a metaphor and a simile is like the difference between precious metals and gems (both are valuable and useful, but one can take many more forms). Understanding this difference—and knowing how to use both—can be a jewel in the crown of your writing, making your descriptions and comparisons more colorful and engaging. See what we did here? That first sentence uses a simile, …

  2. “Concave” vs. “Convex”: What’s The Difference?

    Concave and convex are literal opposites—one involves shapes that curve inward and the other involves shapes that curve outward. The terms can be used generally, but they’re often used in technical, scientific, and geometric contexts. Lenses, such as those used in eyeglasses, magnifying glasses, binoculars, and cameras are often described as concave or convex, depending on which way they curve. In geometry, both words can …

  3. “Choose” vs. “Chose”: Learn How To Pick The Right One Every Time

    Good news—choose and chose are pretty easy to keep separate. Unlike the distinction between loose and lose, which are two completely different words, choose and chose are two different forms of the same verb (whose present tense form means “to select”). In this article, you’ll learn when to use choose, chose, and other forms like choosing and chosen. You’ll also learn why “choosed” is not used …

  4. “Subjective” vs. “Objective”: What’s The Difference?

    Has someone ever asked for your objective opinion? Or said that something is “entirely subjective”? The words subjective and objective are used in all kinds of contexts, from journalism to science to grammar, and they’re often discussed as opposites. But what do they actually mean? In most cases, it comes down to whether something is based on personal experience or on verifiable facts. But it …

  5. Reign vs. Rein: What’s The Difference?

    Are those reins on a horse or reigns? Is it rein in or reign in? Free rein or free reign? Confusion is understandable: reign and rein are pronounced exactly the same and are almost spelled the same—except for the silent G in reign (which is a big clue, actually). And both involve control. We’ll make it easy to tell apart rein and reign and remember …

  6. “A Lot” vs. “Alot” vs. “Allot”: How Much Difference Is There Between Them?

    We use a lot … a lot. But ask someone to define a lot and they’ll probably start by saying “A lot means … a lot!” That’s because it’s so commonly used that it can be hard to think of how to explain it. A lot can seem like it should be a single word—and maybe one day the spelling alot will appear in this …

  7. “Evoke” Vs. “Invoke”: Time To Call Forth Their Differences

    Evoke and invoke are both fairly formal words that look and sound a lot alike—and, for what it’s worth, you can summon a spirit with either one (we’ll get to that, don’t worry). But the contexts in which they’re used are often quite different. Evoke is typically used when talking about how something produces or draws out feelings, memories, or reactions. Invoke is often used …

  8. “Ocean” vs. “Sea”: Coast Through The Differences

    Most of us landlubbers live out our dry lives on solid ground, so it can be easy to forget that Earth is primarily an ocean planet that’s 71% covered in water—most of which connects in a giant blue mass around our little green islands. Ocean, sea, it’s all the same salt water, right? Yes and no. In general use, it’s extremely common for the two …

  9. Doughnut vs. Donut: Is There A Correct Spelling?

    Many people around the world agree that doughnuts—those small sweetened or unsweetened pieces of dough fried in deep fat—are delicious. What is less agreed on (at least in the United States) is the spelling: is it doughnut or donut? Technically, it can be both. Dictionaries and popular style guides like the AP Stylebook list doughnut as the preferred spelling. However, donut is a common variation …

  10. “Upmost” vs. “Utmost”: Get On Top Of The Difference

    You’re trying as hard as you can. Are you doing your utmost or your upmost? Confusion between these two words probably comes from people hearing utmost (which is the correct choice in this case, btw) as upmost (which is otherwise a pretty uncommon word). This may be because up seems like it should fit situations involving the highest effort. And, in fact, there are some …

  11. “Cite” vs. “Site” vs. “Sight”: How To Spot The Difference

    Cite, site, and sight are classic homophones: they sound the same, but differ in meaning (and spelling). Cite is most commonly used as a verb in the context of facts, sources, and academic papers. Site is most commonly used as a noun in the context of locations and places. And sight is used in the context of seeing and things that are seen. Sounds straightforward, …

  12. “Desert” vs. “Dessert”: When To Use Each One

    Let’s be honest: desert vs. dessert is a spelling issue, not a definition issue. It’s easy to tell the difference between the Sahara and a chocolate cake (even a dry chocolate cake). But when should you use one S and when should you use two? That extra S could be the difference between mounds of sand and mounds of ice cream—and that’s an important difference! …