Tag Archives: interest-etiquette

  1. What Is Code-Switching?

    Code-switching means “the modifying of one’s speech, behavior, appearance, etc. to adapt to different sociocultural norms.” So why do we do it? Why do we code-switch? There are many reasons why we code-switch. The main reason, however, is actually quite simple: acceptance in varying social situations. It’s no secret that we instinctively fear being perceived as “the other,” or as different, or as an outsider. That’s a lonely …

  2. Last Word: Misused Terms From Trump’s Twitter

    Presidential word mangling When it comes to Twitter accounts, there are few that are as closely watched around the world as that of President Donald Trump. With the advent of Twitter, and in particular our current president’s voracious appetite for sharing his every thought, there has come an ability for the world to evaluate something rarely put on display by politicians: their spelling. Trump’s grammar gaffes …

  3. It’s A Doggy Dog World … Or Is it?

    Phrases with convincing fakes . . . we bet you've said some of these—we have too!

  4. Hilarious Misheard Lyrics You Still Are Singing

  5. getty

    Lyrics We Totally Didn’t Get As Kids

  6. Do You Know These Sizzlin’ Southern Sayings?

    We declare if your only knowledge of Southern sayings comes from Gone With the Wind, you’re missing out on a lot of Southern expressions.

  7. The 12 Weirdest Cocktail Names

  8. What’s The Area Between Your Eyebrows Called?

  9. 7 Speaking Styles That Drive People Crazy

    The way you speak can make or break relationships. Flip through these speaking styles to watch out for and make sure you're speaking clearly!