Tag Archives: interest-psychology

  1. neurodiversity new

    The Words You Need To Know To Understand And Respect Neurodiversity

    All brains are not the same. This is part of what the word neurodiversity is often used to express. But both the word and the concept are subject to varying use and interpretation.  In this article, we’ll discuss the evolving conversations and preferences around words like neurodiversity, neurotypical, neurodivergent, and others. We’ll focus on some of the key terms you need to know to be …

  2. stretched out hand on heart shape background with words of affirmation

    Strengthen Your Bonds With 17 Words Of Affirmation

    It’s safe to say we all like feeling loved, but do we all feel and express love in the exact same ways? Not necessarily, according to the experts. If you’ve spent any time online or interacting with pop culture, you’ve probably heard a thing or two about love languages, and one love language specifically: words of affirmation. These buzzy terms have been on our collective …

  3. names of types of effects on blue background

    The Mandela Effect, Streisand Effect, And Other “Effects”

    You know that thing that happens when you first learn about something and then you start seeing it everywhere? Or when participants in a medical trial start to feel better even though they’ve been taking the pill with nothing in it? Helpfully, there are names for these things.   In the context of psychology, these “things that happen”—these phenomena—are often referred to as effects, especially in …

  4. elderly woman making silly face

    “Psychopath” vs. “Sociopath”: Is There A Difference?

    Think of your classic con artist: they lie, they’re manipulative, they don’t care about anyone else, and they lack remorse. Are these criminals psychopaths? Sociopaths? Both? People tend to think that a sociopath is a psychopath who doesn’t go around doing criminal things. Likewise, psycho remains shorthand for all kinds of deviant antisocial behavior, from stalking to murder. We’ve got some news for you. Despite …

  5. Dark green background with light green text: "introvert vs. extrovert"

    Introvert vs. Extrovert: What’s The Difference?

    They say that opposites attract, and that’s usually true for introvert–extrovert couples. We all have that one friend who can strike up a conversation with anyone, who does well in large groups, and who loves being around people. On the other hand, we also know those who prefer quiet one-on-one activities with friends, like visiting a museum or watching a movie, when they socialize. In …

  6. Getty

    The Google Effect And More Rules The Internet Created

  7. What Is Body Language?

    The phrase body language or nonverbal communication often gets tossed around. From public speaking to a first date, our movements and facial expressions say a lot about our feelings and intentions. During political debate season, politicians’ body language is under just as much scrutiny as their remarks, and if the candidates aren’t careful, they might misspeak without saying a word. Most researchers conclude that human …