Tag Archives: interest-religion

  1. What Makes “Passover” A Day Not To Overlook?

    Despite the fact that Passover comes around every spring, you may still have some questions about the holiday. Why does Passover come about at a different time every year, for example, and why is the Passover meal so specific? The key to understanding what the religious observance is all about is understanding where the name Passover originally comes from. What is Passover? Passover is the …

  2. Is Fish Considered Meat?

    Every year in the weeks leading up to Easter, many Christians around the world partake in Lent. The approximately 40-day observance comes with its own set of notable dates before and during that time period. One of the most prevalent customs is that followers abstain from meat on Fridays. Fish, however, is fair game. That’s because fish has been considered somehow different from other types …

  3. What Does “Amen” Mean At The End Of A Prayer?

    Weekends are when many Americans gather in their respective houses of worship and repeat the same word: amen. But, what does the word mean? And, why do people say it? The origins of amen Amen is commonly used after a prayer, creed, or other formal statement. It is spoken to express solemn ratification or agreement. It is used adverbially to mean “certainly,” “it is so,” …

  4. “Pagan” vs. “Wicca”: What Is The Difference?

    In the 1950s, a new spiritual and nature-focused religion started to gain steam. It was deemed wicca, and its followers called wiccans. For people on the outside looking in, there was the possibility for some confusion on what, exactly, wiccans practiced—including how it related to paganism. Which draws the question: are you pagan if you’re wicca? Someone who is wiccan follows “a nature-oriented religion having …

  5. What Is The “War On Christmas”?

    Christmastime. A festive season for family, food … and warfare? What does the war on Christmas mean? Perhaps, you’re familiar with the “War on Christmas” that’s been raging over the last several years. It stems from the radical belief that inclusivity—that honors other holidays, like Hanukkah, and accounts for those who don’t celebrate Christmas—is overshadowing traditional American values. The provocative phrase has been linked to figures …

  6. How Do People Say Grace In Other Religions And Cultures?

  7. The Surprisingly Religious Background Of “Golly,” “Gosh,” And “Gee”

    Gosh, golly, and gee casually express surprise or excitement, right? Well, yes, but when they were first introduced to the English language, these short words had a much more serious origin and purpose. Where did golly, gosh, and gee come from? While this folksy trio are informal interjections, they are also euphemistic alterations of the word God or, in the case of gee, Jesus. Of the three, gosh is recorded …

  8. How Does A Pope Choose A Name?

    As you read about the Pope in the latest news, you may begin to wonder about his name. After all, what does pope actually mean? And how does a pope get his name after he assumes the papacy? The Pope is the Bishop of Rome, and thereby the world leader of the Catholic Church. The word comes from the Latin pāpa, which means “father.” He is …