Tag Archives: serp-onomatopoeia

  1. List of words in white outline, with central word in bold white font, on dark green background: “mondegreen, eggcorn, crash blossom, ghost word, zeugma, sesquipedalian, snowclone”

    Portmanteau And Other Cool Words About How We Use Words

    We make it no secret here that we think words are really cool. In English, we can do a lot of cool things with words like make metaphors, rhymes, or craft groan-worthy puns that even the most tolerant of dads will roll their eyes at. To help express our love of vocabulary, we found a bunch of fun terms that describe a lot of different …

  2. Wrap Your Head Around These 26 Hard Words To Pronounce

    The pronunciation of words in English is not always straightforward. Unlike some languages, such as French or Spanish, there is not always a direct relationship between the spelling of words and how they are said aloud. In technical terms, there is not always a consistent relationship between graphemes (basically, writing units) and their phonemes (sounds) in English. There are a couple of reasons for this. The English …

  3. Make Your Own Comic Book With Our Printable Template Comic Book

    What’s better than a comic book when you’re a kid? How about a free printable comic book that doubles as a writing prompt for kids? Bam! Sure, reading comic books (and graphic novels for that matter) is a classic kid activity and one that’s expert-approved for helping kids commit to a lifelong love of reading. Look no further than the likes of Captain Underpants, Diary …

  4. Getty

    Why Do We Use Onomatopoeia?

    Few words are as fun to say as onomatopoeia, but what the heck does it mean? Despite its complex look and sound, onomatopoeia actually has a simple function in the English language. It’s defined as “the formation of a word, as cuckoo, meow, honk, or boom, by imitation of a sound made by or associated with its referent.” To put it simply, it’s a word …

  5. Woof, Blaf, Or Voff? How Animals Speak Across The World