


  1. variant of -rrhiza.


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Words That Use -rhiza

What does -rhiza mean?

The combining form -rhiza is used like a suffix meaning “root.” It is used in a few scientific terms, such as in botany.

The combining form -rhiza comes from the Greek rhíza, meaning “root.”

The form –rhiza is a variant of –rrhiza, which loses an -r– in rare instances.

Want to know more? Read our Words That Use -rrhiza article

Corresponding forms of -rrhiza combined to the beginning of words are rhizo- and rhiz-. Learn more at our Words That Use rhizo- article.

Examples of -rhiza

Coleorhiza is a sheath that protects the roots of certain plants in germination.

The first part of the word, coleo-, ultimately comes from the Greek word koleón, meaning “sheath” or “scabbard.” The second part of the word, -rhiza, means “root.” Coleorhiza literally translates to “root sheath.”

Coleoptera, the taxonomic order comprising beetles, is also related to the word koleón. Wonder why? Find out more at our entry for the word.

What are some other forms that -rhiza may be commonly confused with?

Break it down!

The combining form myco- means “fungus.” With this in mind, what does the word mycorhiza literally translate to?



