- variant of rhizo- as second element of compounds:
Words That Use -rrhiza
What does -rrhiza mean?
The combining form -rrhiza is used like a suffix meaning “root.” It is often used in scientific terms, especially in botany.
The form -rrhiza comes from the Greek rhíza, meaning “root.”
What are variants of -rrhiza?
In some instances, the combining form -rrhiza is spelled with a single –r-, becoming –rhiza. For instance, the spelling mycorhiza is an acceptable variant of mycorrhiza.
Corresponding forms of -rrhiza combined to the beginning of words are rhizo- and rhiz-.
Want to know more? Read our Words That Use rhizo- article.
Examples of -rrhiza
One example of a scientific term that features the combining form –rrhiza is mycorrhiza, also known as “fungus root.” Generally speaking, mycorrhiza is a fungus that grows in a symbiotic relationship with the roots of plants.
The first part of the word, myco-, is a combining form meaning “mushroom, fungus.” The combining form -rrhiza means “root,” as we know. Mycorrhiza literally translates to “fungus root.”
What are some words that use the combining form -rrhiza?
- ectomycorrhiza
- endomycorrhiza
- ectotrophic mycorrhiza
- endotrophic mycorrhiza
What are some other forms that -rrhiza may be commonly confused with?
Break it down!
The combining form ecto- means “outside.” With this in mind, where on the roots of a plant would you expect to find a type of fungus known as ectomycorrhiza?