
[ burk-sheer, -sher; British bahrk-sheer, -sher ]

  1. Also called Berks [burks; British bahrks]. /bɜrks; British bɑrks/. a county in S England. 485 sq. mi. (1,255 sq. km).

  2. one of an English breed of black hogs, having white markings on the feet, face, and tail.

  1. a steam locomotive having a two-wheeled front truck, eight driving wheels, and a four-wheeled rear truck.

Words Nearby Berkshire Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use Berkshire in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for Berkshire


/ (ˈbɑːkʃɪə, -ʃə) /

  1. a historic county of S England: since reorganization in 1974 the River Thames has marked the N boundary while the Berkshire Downs occupy central parts; the county council was replaced by six unitary authorities in 1998. Area: 1259 sq km (486 sq miles): Abbreviation: Berks

  2. a rare breed of pork and bacon pig having a black body and white points

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