


  1. variant of veno- before a vowel:


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Example Sentences

They marched through the streets singing the "Veni creator spiritus," and crying out: "Pray, for the times are at hand."

This is quite in the bulletin style of conquerors; it has a ring of "veni, vidi, vici" about it.

The priests in procession, with a banner at their head, led the march, singing the Veni creator Spiritus.

But, during this solemn chant, the feelings of the audience no longer were what they had been during the Veni Spiritus.

You will be even more welcome if you bring my boy, Edward Bruce, as I understand we are to call him—attamen ipse veni.


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Words That Use veni-

What does veni- mean?

Veni- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “vein.” A vein, in contrast to an artery, is one of the systems of branching vessels or tubes conveying blood from various parts of the body to the heart.

Veni- is occasionally used in medical terms, especially in anatomy and pathology.

Veni- comes from the Latin vēna, meaning “blood vessel, vein.” The Latin word vēna is also ultimately the source of such vein-based words as venous

Veni– is a variant of veno-.

Want to know more? Read our Words That Use veno- article. Also see our Words That Use ven- and Words That Use vene- for even more forms.

Examples of veni-

OK, if you’re squeamish, you’ve been warned!

An example of a word you may have encountered that features veni- is venipuncture (also called venepuncture), the piercing of a vein for surgical or therapeutic purposes as well as to collect blood specimens for analysis.

The first part of the word, veni- refers to “vein,” as we’ve seen. The second part of the word, –puncture, ultimately comes from a Latin word for “a pricking.” That means venipuncture breaks down to “a pricking of the vein.”

What are some other forms that veni- may be commonly confused with?

Many other words begin with the letters veni-, from venial to Venice, but do not use veni- as a combining form to mean “vein.”

Nor does veni have anything to do with the Latin phrase Veni, vidi, vici! This oft-quoted saying, legendarily declared by Julius Caesar, means “I came, I saw, I conquered.”

Break it down!

The word section ultimately comes from a Latin word meaning “a cutting.” With the meaning of veni- and its variants in mind, what is a venisection?



