

View synonyms for multitude


[ muhl-ti-tood, -tyood ]


  1. a great number; host:

    a multitude of friends.

  2. a great number of people gathered together; crowd; throng.

    Synonyms: mass

  3. the state or character of being many; numerousness.
  4. the multitude, the common people; the masses.


/ ˈmʌltɪˌtjuːd /


  1. a large gathering of people
  2. the multitude
    the common people
  3. a large number
  4. the state or quality of being numerous

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Word History and Origins

Origin of multitude1

First recorded in 1275–1325; Middle English word from Latin word multitūdō. See multi-, -tude

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Word History and Origins

Origin of multitude1

C14: via Old French from Latin multitūdō

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Synonym Study

See crowd 1.

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Example Sentences

His most famous miracle was making a few loaves and fishes feed a multitude.

The music sometimes sounding like the exorcism of a multitude of demons, each one of whom was mightily resisting his expulsion.

“I would build a motor car for the great multitude,” he said.

The multitude of decisions invalidating laws prohibiting same-sex marriage have rested on three different rationales.

“Violence cannot be overcome with violence,” Francis told the multitude a week ago.

And thou hast delivered me, according to the multitude of the mercy of thy name, from them that did roar, prepared to devour.

His largesses were abundant, and the uproar of vehement thanksgiving, was ever on the watch from the venal multitude.

We have made several hundreds prisoners, and have killed a multitude of the enemy.

For the house is forsaken, the multitude of the city is left, darkness and obscurity are come upon its dens for ever.

What a multitude of strange faces, and still stranger fashions, they would bring again to light!


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