
[ buhn ]
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  1. any of a wide variety of variously shaped bread rolls, usually leavened and slightly sweetened or plain, sometimes containing spices, dried currants, etc.

  2. hair gathered into a round coil or knot at the nape of the neck or on top of the head in certain coiffures.

  1. buns, Slang. the buttocks.

Origin of bun

1325–75; Middle English bunne, possibly of Romance origin; see also buñuelo

Words Nearby bun

Other definitions for bun (2 of 3)

[ buhn ]

Origin of bun

First recorded in 1900–05; of uncertain origin

Other definitions for BUN (3 of 3)


  1. blood urea nitrogen: the concentration of nitrogen in the blood in the form of urea, indicating kidney function.

Origin of BUN

First recorded in 1915–20

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use bun in a sentence

  • I carried mine in my long, luxuriant hair, which I wore “bun” fashion, held in a net of opossum hair.

  • Add bun to these terms, and they are made to have passed away,—prefix tah to them, and their future appearance is indicated.

    The Indian in his Wigwam | Henry R. Schoolcraft
  • One of the features of Michaelmas in Scotland was the concoction and cooking of a giant cake, bun, or bannock.

    Archaic England | Harold Bayley
  • Her eyes looked like raisins in a bun and her mouth had almost disappeared.

    Mary Louise and Josie O'Gorman | Emma Speed Sampson
  • I purchased an enormous delicacy just as one would buy a bun under ordinary stances.

    The Home of the Blizzard | Douglas Mawson

British Dictionary definitions for bun


/ (bʌn) /

  1. a small roll, similar to bread but usually containing sweetening, currants, spices, etc

  2. any of various types of small round sweet cakes

  1. a hairstyle in which long hair is gathered into a bun shape at the back of the head

  2. have a bun in the oven slang to be pregnant

Origin of bun

C14: of unknown origin

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