

View synonyms for cappuccino


[ kap-oo-chee-noh, kah-poo-; Italian kahp-poot-chee-naw ]


, plural cap·puc·ci·nos
  1. a hot beverage consisting of espresso and foamed milk, often served with powdered cinnamon and topped with whipped cream.


/ ˌkæpʊˈtʃiːnəʊ /


  1. coffee with steamed milk, sometimes served with whipped cream or sprinkled with powdered chocolate

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Word History and Origins

Origin of cappuccino1

First recorded in 1945–50; from Italian: literally, “capuchin,” so called from a fancied resemblance of the drink's color to the color of a Capuchin habit; Capuchin ( def )

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Word History and Origins

Origin of cappuccino1

Italian: capuchin

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Example Sentences

Francis then supposedly told the officer that he was the one giving orders now and ordered a cappuccino for the Swiss soldier.

It was July of 2010, and my biggest worry at the time was whether or not we should spring for the cappuccino bar at the reception.

She celebrated over a cappuccino with her Perugian lawyer Luciano Ghirga.

Recipe This is the season for panettone and it makes the perfect breakfast pairing to my morning cappuccino!

This is the season for panettone and it makes the perfect breakfast pairing to my morning cappuccino!

She kept her face still and neutral, and calmly swallowed her cappuccino.


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