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[ kat-l ]


, (used with a plural verb)
  1. bovine animals, especially domesticated members of the genus Bos.
  2. Bible. such animals together with other domesticated quadrupeds, as horses, swine, etc.
  3. Disparaging. human beings, especially in a large, unruly crowd.


/ ˈkætəl /


  1. bovid mammals of the tribe Bovini (bovines), esp those of the genus Bos
  2. Also calleddomestic cattle any domesticated bovine mammals, esp those of the species Bos taurus (domestic ox)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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  • cattle·less adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of cattle1

1175–1225; Middle English catel < Old North French: (personal) property < Medieval Latin capitāle wealth; capital 1
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Word History and Origins

Origin of cattle1

C13: from Old Northern French catel, Old French chatel chattel
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Example Sentences

Humans spent a long time domesticating cattle, and what they were trying to do, in essence, was de-domesticate them.

They just reflect the range of breeds that were used to create the Heck cattle in the first instance.

You will find winding pasture for sheep and highland cattle.

Duarte owns a small plot of land where she grazes cattle and grows beans, maize, bananas, and oranges.

While not the most stimulating for those less passionate about cattle, Grandin made it interesting.

Everywhere cattle were being sold for a trifle, as there was no grass upon which they could feed.

"I told them there was not an Indian in this village would steal cattle," said Ramona, indignantly.

At length he thought of “Cattle” as a figure word to enable him to remember the number.

And probably you would continue to let sections of it to men that wanted to raise cattle or horses on a small scale.

Bel is broken, Nebo is destroyed: their idols are put upon beasts and cattle, your burdens of heavy weight even unto weariness.


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