Marx, Karl
1- A German scholar of the nineteenth century; the founder of Marxism , the fundamental theory of communism . Much of his work, including Das Kapitaland The Communist Manifesto, was done with Friedrich Engels . Marx lived outside Germany most of his life, notably in London , where he wrote Das Kapital . He organized the first International in the 1860s.
Marx, Karl
2- A German scholar of the nineteenth century; the originator of Marxism , the fundamental theory of communism . Marx viewed political, social, and economic reality as based in the class struggle and predicted that capitalism would destroy itself. With the downfall of capitalism, the workers of the proletariat (see also proletariat ) would come to power and begin a new age, free of economic exploitation. Much of Marx's work, including The Communist Manifestoand Das Kapital, was done with Friedrich Engels . ( See also socialism .)
Example Sentences
Marshall Berman, 72 Philosopher Marshall Berman was as much an admirer of diversity and modernism as he was of Karl Marx.
"I am not a Marxist" is an old joke about what Karl Marx would say if he had lived to see the uses to which his ideas were put.
Thank the nonexistent gods of Karl Marx that Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible so I could imagine the blacklist.
And here you thought the idea came from Karl Marx, or possibly Saul Alinsky.
Karl Marx famously said, “If anything is certain it is that I am not a Marxist.”
This is the discovery of Karl Marx which is known as the scientific or materialistic interpretation of history.
He even dared say that a great and profound thinker like Karl Marx believed and taught that silly notion.
Karl Marx once said that the capitalist system provides its own gravediggers.
Fifty years ago Karl Marx, the great Socialist economist, made the remarkable prophecy that this condition would arise.
I believe that the great fundamental principles laid down by Karl Marx cannot be refuted, because they are true.