


or Kath·ie

[ kath-ee ]


  1. a female given name, form of Katherine and Kathleen.

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Kathy took me on, and after a fair amount of sturm und drang—young writers do think every word is precious!

Kathy Bates was really good on American Horror Story: Coven.

Particularly Jessica and Kathy have been around a while and done a tremendous amount of, primarily, film work.

Jessica Lange and Kathy Bates and Sarah Paulson and Frances Conroy.

But Kathy did show up, and for a couple of hours leaned on me pretty good.

Everybody else was ready, as they all had only had one object to put away, and the mother gave her orders to Kathy, the cook.

Kurt impetuously asked Lippo, whom he met in the hall carrying a large water-pitcher entrusted to him by Kathy.

"Well, that's over now," Uncle Philip said, quite relieved when Kathy came back with the news.

As the door was not open yet, she knocked quietly and after a while Kathy appeared with heavy, sleepy eyes.

He wished his own clothing away, and fumbled for a second at the two fastenings that held Kathy's chiton in place.




