[ ad-min-uh-ster ]
verb (used with object)
- to manage (affairs, a government, etc.); have executive charge of:
to administer the law.
Synonyms: oversee, supervise, superintend, run, manage, direct, control, conduct
- to bring into use or operation: to administer last rites.
to administer justice;
to administer last rites.
- to make application of; give:
to administer medicine.
- to supervise the formal taking of (an oath or the like).
- Law. to manage or dispose of, as a decedent's estate by an executor or administrator or a trust estate by a trustee.
verb (used without object)
- to contribute assistance; bring aid or supplies (usually followed by to ):
to administer to those in need of aid.
- to perform the duties of an administrator:
She administers quite effectively.
/ ədˈmɪnɪstə /
- also intr to direct or control (the affairs of a business, government, etc)
- to put into execution; dispense
administer justice
- whenintr, foll by to to give or apply (medicine, assistance, etc) as a remedy or relief
- to apply formally; perform
to administer extreme unction
- to supervise or impose the taking of (an oath, etc)
- to manage or distribute (an estate, property, etc)
Other Words From
- ad·min·is·trant [ad-, min, -, uh, -str, uh, nt], noun
- nonad·minis·trant adjective
- self-ad·minis·tered adjective
- self-ad·minis·ter·ing adjective
- unad·minis·tered adjective
- well-ad·minis·tered adjective
Word History and Origins
Origin of administer1
Word History and Origins
Origin of administer1
Synonym Study
Example Sentences
All of those enrolled, however, were given the plasma and the antibody levels weren’t checked before it was administered, making it difficult to determine exactly how much benefit patients would get over current care.
In the interview, Liu said that he expects one dose of Sinopharm’s vaccine to be 97% effective in producing an immune response, a rate that would climb to close to 100% once a second dose is administered 28 days later.
So far, federal health authorities have offered little detail about their plans for administering vaccines.
The measure targets psychologists who administer conversion therapy and would suspend their licenses for at least five years.
Even after vaccines are administered to the general public, researchers will be on the lookout for even rarer safety concerns, such as autoimmune diseases triggered by the vaccine, Kuritzkes says.
The Liberian AIDS commission is now going door-to-door to administer antiretroviral medications to known patients.
“We hired Eisenhower to run the Cold War, not administer shots,” says Pitney.
Dr. Barry Rosenfeld, a psychologist who directs clinical training at Fordham University, did not just administer tests.
At my practice we medical providers administer vaccines ourselves, and I pride myself at doing it very well.
When Jerry Lee was taken home and his car was towed from the ditch, the deputies forgot to administer a test for intoxication.
I have to administer the bottle drop by drop till it is exhausted, and if I fail the king dies.
The Act of Incorporation empowered the detectors to take and to administer to their servants an oath of fidelity.
The priest may be obliged to administer baptism, to hear confession, to give the Viaticum and Extreme Unction.
It was thus they named a cross-road where the martyr king used to sit under an oak-tree and administer justice.
Previous to this Mr. Smith had brought in a bill to administer these trusts by a system of popular election.