[ uh-gran-dahyz, ag-ruhn-dahyz ]
verb (used with object)
- to widen in scope; increase in size or intensity; enlarge; extend.
Antonyms: reduce
- to make great or greater in power, wealth, rank, or honor.
Synonyms: exalt, strengthen, inflate
Antonyms: diminish
- to make (something) appear greater.
Synonyms: magnify
Antonyms: minimize
/ ˈæɡrənˌdaɪz; əˈɡrænˌdaɪz; əˈɡrændɪzmənt /
- to increase the power, wealth, prestige, scope, etc, of
- to cause (something) to seem greater; magnify; exaggerate
Derived Forms
- aggrandizement, noun
- ˈaggranˌdizer, noun
Other Words From
- ag·gran·dize·ment [uh, -, gran, -diz-m, uh, nt], noun
- ag·gran·diz·er [uh, -, gran, -dahy-zer, ag, -r, uh, ndahy-], noun
Word History and Origins
Origin of aggrandize1
Word History and Origins
Origin of aggrandize1
Example Sentences
Every subculture has its die-hard enthusiast early adopters and communities that are all about the conferences and the parties—and it may seem self-aggrandizing or silly to outsiders at first.
The Global Times, too, was quick to criticize Tsai’s “self-aggrandizing attitude,” while highlighting that it was not her government that completed the vaccine deal.
I spent much of the pandemic watching, in real time, the necessary dissolution of the nation’s self-aggrandizing and innocent sense of its history and purpose.
Still, some emperors were particularly adept at crafting a narrative … that is, until Nero took the self-aggrandizing a tad too far.
Proponents of peace must overcome the tendency to self-destructively aggrandize the settlements.
They only cared to aggrandize themselves, without thought of national feeling or geographical conditions.
His ambition was not to secure for himself ease or luxury, but to extend his imperial power, and to aggrandize his family.
The Master proceeded to show that a man who speaks on his own authority alone seeks to aggrandize himself.
It resisted, in the lower classes, the attempt of the church to suppress it in order to aggrandize the corporation.
She did not try to aggrandize herself at their expense, nor did she take up weapons against them.