

View synonyms for analyze


[ an-l-ahyz ]

verb (used with object)

, an·a·lyzed, an·a·lyz·ing.
  1. to separate (a material or abstract entity) into constituent parts or elements; determine the elements or essential features of ( synthesize ):

    to analyze an argument.

    Synonyms: break down.

    Antonyms: synthesize

  2. to examine critically, so as to bring out the essential elements or give the essence of:

    to analyze a poem.

    Synonyms: explicate

  3. to examine carefully and in detail so as to identify causes, key factors, possible results, etc.
  4. to subject to mathematical, chemical, grammatical, etc., analysis.
  5. a patient who has been analyzed by two therapists.

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Other Words From

  • an·a·lyz·a·ble adjective
  • an·a·lyz·a·bil·i·ty [an-l-ahyz-, uh, -, bil, -i-tee], noun
  • an·a·ly·za·tion [an-l-ahy-, zey, -sh, uh, n], noun
  • mis·an·a·lyze verb (used with object) misanalyzed misanalyzing
  • non·an·a·lyz·a·ble adjective
  • non·an·a·lyzed adjective
  • o·ver·an·a·lyze verb overanalyzed overanalyzing
  • re·an·a·lyz·a·ble adjective
  • re·an·a·lyze verb (used with object) reanalyzed reanalyzing
  • un·an·a·lyz·a·ble adjective
  • un·an·a·lyz·a·bly adverb
  • un·an·a·lyzed adjective
  • un·an·a·lyz·ing adjective
  • well-an·a·lyzed adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of analyze1

First recorded in 1595–1605; back formation from analysis (or from its Latin or Greek sources), with -ys- taken as -ize
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Example Sentences

São Paolo for instance, a bustling city of over 12 million, never topped 14 percent seroprevalence despite both cities implementing similar social distancing measures, the analyzed blood donations show.

Seals can exceed their limit about 5 percent of the time, so Quick’s team analyzed 3,680 dives by 23 whales.

Saying that it was still analyzing the data, the company did not provide such specifics as how many people died in each group.

For instance, as Nick Wilsdon further pointed out, analyzing search data to understand the customer journey and what people are asking about a certain business can inform customer support and their new frequently asked questions materials.

Those results may not be too surprising, but the data could not have been analyzed at all without automation.

Caddy Shack, Stripes, Ghostbusters, Groundhog Day and Analyze This affirm it.

Ramis made a lot of funny movies, including Animal House, Ghostbusters, Caddyshack, and Analyze This.

At the Analyze This press junket, a writer told the director that his niche had become “goofy redemption comedy.”

Analyze what the movie is calling for—not requiring, calling for.

Analyze everything and everybody with which or whom you come in contact.

Analyze this method of dealing with any particular obstacle.

Analyze the voice charm of any speaker or singer you choose.

Analyze it; and perhaps you will find yourself involuntarily thinking of death.

Analyze myself, reproach myself, doubt my own sanity how I may, one thing is clear.





analyzationanalyzed rhyme