

View synonyms for anemone


[ uh-nem-uh-nee ]


  1. any of various plants belonging to the genus Anemone, of the buttercup family, having petallike sepals and including several wild species with white flowers as well as others cultivated for their showy flowers in a variety of colors.


/ əˈnɛmənɪ /


  1. any ranunculaceous woodland plant of the genus Anemone of N temperate regions, such as the white-flowered A. nemorosa ( wood anemone or windflower ). Some cultivated anemones have lilac, pale blue, pink, purple, or red flowers See also pasqueflower Compare sea anemone
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ ə-nĕmə-nē /

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Word History and Origins

Origin of anemone1

1545–55; < Latin < Greek: literally, daughter of the wind, equivalent to ánem ( os ) wind + -ōnē feminine patronymic suffix; -one
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Word History and Origins

Origin of anemone1

C16: via Latin from Greek: windflower, from anemos wind
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Example Sentences

An anemone can jab a predator or nab some lunch in about a hundredth of a second, says Karabulut, also of the Stowers Institute.

Sea anemones, which are closely related to corals, and mushroom coral can turn oxybenzone — a chemical that protects people against ultraviolet light — into a deadly toxin that’s activated by light.

Researchers identified a host of anemones and other species living within the rubbish, which allows the little creatures to thrive in an otherwise inhospitable environment.

Tide pools sprung up out of seemingly every water-filled boulder, showing off their electric green anemones and thick clumps of mussels.

“Probably these slicing teeth allowed it to process a huge range of foods,” says Longrich, noting that dogfish sharks use their teeth to chop up everything from fish to sea anemones.

A single print of an enlarged sea anemone came across as a declaration rather than a suggestion.

Sad faery blossoms secret scents distil In trackless solitudes; nor ever will The lone anemone her lover find!

Anemone Cottage was built partly of boulders taken from the shore.

Miss Martha was very proud of her dining-room at Anemone Cottage.

The plant is closely related to the anemone, which is sometimes called the wind flower.

But this legend was not followed by the other classical writers, who made the Anemone to be the flower of Adonis.


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