


[ ahrm-rest ]


  1. a projecting, often padded support for the forearm, as at the side of a chair or sofa or between seats in a theater, car, or airplane.


/ ˈɑːmˌrɛst /


  1. the part of a chair, sofa, etc, that supports the arm Sometimes shortened toarm
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of armrest1

First recorded in 1885–90; arm 1 + rest 1
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Example Sentences

An adjustable headrest, backrest, armrest, and waist pillow conform to your posture.

The plane had hit turbulence—the rollicking kind that makes some people cry out, while others grip their armrests tightly, and mutter a prayer to the power of their choice.

From Quartz

It might mean you want to forego armrests—see below—or opt for a slightly more streamlined design.

Its high-density foam padding, extra-large armrests, and three reclining positions provide back support and prevent fatigue.

Adjust armrests, seat height, and backrests can be the difference between stiff joints or loose limbs.

As he was pulling his hand out of the armrest, Mrs. Lovett saw the gun and it immediately discharged into his left knee.

Edwards always liked the armrest up in the car when he got in so he could move around in the backseat.

He deposited the pad on the wide armrest and looked up inquiringly as though he had not fully comprehended the question.

Reetal took both glasses over to the liquor cabinet, freshened them up, and settled down on the armrest of the chair again.

Reetal brought the drink over to his chair, sat down on the armrest with it.

But Administrator Bradshaw already was sagging sideways over the armrest of this chair, head lolling backwards.

He gripped a small lever which projected up from his right armrest; curled his thumb over the firing button on top of it.





arm pumparms