


[ ash-pit ]


  1. a receptacle in the bottom of a fireplace, under a barbecue, or the like, for the accumulation of ashes.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of ashpit1

First recorded in 1790–1800; ash 1 + pit 1
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Example Sentences

Meanwhile the police court seems to me as necessary a part of our equipment as a sewage works or an ashpit.

It is composed of a double cylinder of copper or cast-iron l, l, having a grate b (see plan), an ashpit at d (section).

Children—and sometimes old children—think that a little hag resides in the ashpit beside the fire.

You was starin' up at the sky at a lark—I was going to the ashpit—and I heard you say softly to yourself, 'Bird, thou never wert.'

Oak drew a slow breath, looked sadly into the bright ashpit, and seemed lost in thoughts not of the most hopeful hue.





shot in the arm, aashplant