

View synonyms for authorized


[ aw-thuh-rahyzd ]


  1. given or endowed with authority:

    an authorized agent.

  2. duly sanctioned.

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  • quasi-author·ized adjective
  • self-author·ized adjective
  • un·author·ized adjective
  • well-author·ized adjective
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Example Sentences

In our continuing effort to make our services available to people everywhere, if we receive a properly scoped request from an authorized entity, it may be necessary to withhold access to certain content in a particular country from time to time.

The two authorized vaccines use a novel approach that had never been used in an authorized vaccine, while Merck employed a more traditional approach.

Only authorized vehicles are allowed to get past barricades, officials said.

The government’s existing supply of the first authorized vaccine can be stretched further after pharmacists began to notice that vials contain more than the expected five doses.

Businesses withstand personal identity and background checks for authorized representatives and field workers.

“Telling employees to stick to authorized legal boundaries is a good thing,” he said Wednesday when asked about the quote.

Because you were covering up for actions that may or may not have been legally authorized.

After the federal investigation concluded, they authorized him to close the facility.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the security preparations publicly.

Perhaps most controversially, HKND is authorized to expropriate land wherever it wants.

A special agent is authorized to do a specific thing, to sell a home, buy a horse, or effect some particular end or purpose.

The company declines to pay because the agent made a lower rate than was authorized by his company.

A principal is liable for the statements and representations of his agent that have been expressly authorized.

Those who collect taxes without being duly authorized by Government, or misappropriate public funds.

A company cannot purchase its own shares unless by charter or statute such action is clearly authorized.





authorizeauthorized capital