

View synonyms for bearer


[ bair-er ]


  1. a person or thing that carries, upholds, or brings:

    The postman was the bearer of wonderful news today.

    It's not fair to you to be the only bearer of the household cares.

  2. the person who presents an order for money or goods:

    Pay to the bearer.

  3. a tree or plant that yields fruit or flowers.
  4. the holder of rank or office; incumbent.
  5. a boy or man employed as a personal or household servant, especially in a colonial household in India:

    There were dozens of bearers on the safari.

  6. Printing.
    1. one of several strips of metal fitted at the sides of a plate for support during inking and proving.
  7. a joistlike member supporting the floorboards of a scaffold.
  8. Furniture. bearing rail.


/ ˈbɛərə /


  1. a person or thing that bears, presents, or upholds
  2. a person who presents a note or bill for payment
  3. formerly, in Africa, India, etc
    1. a native carrier, esp on an expedition
    2. a native servant
  4. the holder of a rank, position, office, etc
  5. modifier finance payable to the person in possession

    bearer bonds

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of bearer1

First recorded in 1250–1300; bear 1, + -er 1( def )
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Example Sentences

If you were under the impression that San Diego was only dealing with one real estate deal involving a long-term lease and millions of dollars’ worth of unforeseen renovation costs, I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

The gymnasts dressed in the apparel given to Team USA athletes for the ceremonies, and three-time Olympian Sam Mikulak served as a flag bearer with Simone Biles behind him.

For some time now, sympathizers with the “conservative populist” worldview have searched for standard bearers to test its electoral viability.

He turned an SEC afterthought into the conference standard bearer, with a vice grip on the standings.

In one corner were Google and Facebook, the social media giants who style themselves as the standard bearers of a free and open internet, and whose platforms benefit from displaying and sharing links to news sites.

From Quartz

There is a potential standard-bearer for the tradition shared by RFK, Gary Hart, and even Hunter S. Thompson.

They carry it like a stretcher, though they're missing one stretcher-bearer.

So why, in 2014, is the superhero standard-bearer so minority-averse?

These include the offspring of the Reagans, GOP stand-bearer John McCain, various Kennedys, and Nancy Pelosi.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but here at Royalist towers we think not.

What the armor-bearer was for the warlike races of old, such is the tchbukdi for their degenerate descendants.

The poor devil willingly undertook to deliver it, and the marshal, as directed, caused the bearer to receive a hearty flogging.

The color-bearer went down, but the flag was seized by Randolph Hamilton, and held aloft.

Summoning a fruit-seller, the bearer led the Gwalior men to the rendezvous named and distributed mangoes amongst them.

The court held that the checks were not payable to bearer and that the bank was not protected in paying them.





beardybearer bond