

View synonyms for brochure


[ broh-shoor, -shur ]


  1. a pamphlet or leaflet.


/ -ʃə; ˈbrəʊʃjʊə /


  1. a pamphlet or booklet, esp one containing summarized or introductory information or advertising

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Word History and Origins

Origin of brochure1

1755–65; < French, derivative of brocher to stitch (a book). See broach, -ure

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Word History and Origins

Origin of brochure1

C18: from French, from brocher to stitch (a book)

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Example Sentences

It is both darker than its unpleasant reputation and, simultaneously, more enduringly majestic than a schlocky brochure.

But even with a brochure-ready roster like this, Virunga officials say they are hoping to attract only 1,000 visitors this year.

At the bottom the simple paper brochure advertised female and male circumcision for just 30 Egyptian pounds ($4.50) a procedure.

Similarly the Kapture is “an audio-recording wristband for saving and sharing what was just said,” according to its brochure.

The paintings' compositions represent the "tasteful" combinations the brochure suggests for different rooms in a modern house.

For a very long time I have wished to send you a brochure on Wagner, beyond which I do not know what to send.

He bought several dry treatises on scientific subjects, a new book on architecture for Alan, and a brochure on Alan de Walsingham.

In the second layer of junk in the drawer he came across the brochure on Martian vacations.

Others have been reprinted in a curious brochure (Pour et Contre, Tours, 1893).

Pickering joyfully dispatched Lowell's brochure to Marshall, who lost not a moment in writing of his admiration.



