


[ she-ney ]


, Ballet.
, plural chaî·nés [she-, neyz, she-, ney].
  1. a series of short, usually rapid, turns performed in a straight line across the stage.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of chaîné1

1945–50; < French, noun use of past participle of chaîner to chain
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Example Sentences

Toulouse-Lautec did one very famous one, a poster for a bicycle chain, La Chaine Simpson.

Morley was at this time an especial favourite with the queen, who had recently rewarded him with "a faire gold chaine."

Mais il faut bien, lheure marque que la chaine soit reprise et que la petite lampe vacillante brille de nouveau dans la maison.

Chaine des dames double—The ladies' chain double, which is performed by all the ladies commencing at the same time.

Demie Chaine Anglaise—The four opposite persons half right and left.

La grand chaine—All eight chassez quite round, giving alternately right and left hands to partners, beginning with the right.





chain driveChained Lady