complementary color
- Art.
- one of a pair of primary or secondary colors opposed to the other member of the pair on a schematic chart or scale color wheel, as green opposed to red, orange opposed to blue, or violet opposed to yellow. Compare analogous color.
- the relationship of these pairs of colors perceived as completing or enhancing each other.
complementary color
- A secondary color that, when combined with the primary color whose wavelength it does not contain, produces white light. Thus yellow, which is produced by mixing the primary colors red and green, is the complementary color of blue.
- See Note at color
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Word History and Origins
Origin of complementary color1
First recorded in 1820–30
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Example Sentences
Go for similar, complementary colors that won’t clash and you’ll be good to go.
From Popular-Science
Every color makes objects near it take on the antagonistic or complementary color.
From Project Gutenberg
If the head is not moved, this complementary color has the same size and shape as the original colored piece of paper.
From Project Gutenberg
And the fat men, too, the "huge hills of flesh," shall they not have their complementary color in their windows to make them thin?
From Project Gutenberg
And in a red sunset the winter trees will sometimes throw shadows of green, the complementary color, on the snow.
From Project Gutenberg
Pottery may be adapted to a complementary color scheme by Rule 12i.
From Project Gutenberg