

View synonyms for congener


[ kon-juh-ner ]


  1. a person or thing of the same kind or class as another.
  2. a plant, animal, fungus, etc., belonging to the same genus as another.
  3. Also a secondary product formed in alcohol during fermentation that determines largely the character of the final liquor.


/ ˈkɒndʒɪnə; kənˈdʒiːnə /


  1. a member of a class, group, or other category, esp any animal of a specified genus
  2. a by-product formed in alcoholic drinks during the fermentation process, which largely determines the flavour and colour of the drink
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of congener1

1720–30; < Latin, equivalent to con- con- + gener- (stem of genus ); genus, general
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Word History and Origins

Origin of congener1

C18: from Latin, from com- same + genus kind
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Example Sentences

While no nanoparticles formed in the vodka, the ions reacted with whiskey congeners to form nanoparticles in minutes.

Research shows a higher concentration of congeners may have something to do with more severe hangovers, whereas drinking distilled spirits containing purer ethanol, such as vodka or gin, will result in milder or fewer hangover effects.

If you’ve ever experienced a red wine-induced hangover, you know they’re some of the worst you can get, and congeners are to blame.

Certain types of congeners found in red wine, including ones called tannins, can make people who are already susceptible to migraines much more likely to get them.

A bottle of Budweiser has six times the congener content of a Long Island iced tea, but about two-thirds the amount of alcohol.

Its song and habits are similar to those of its eastern congener.

He is well paid and holds his position, whatever it may be, by a less precarious tenure than his American congener.

Its congener exhibits a mixture of brown and yellow, more suitable to its sandy lairs.

Unlike its congener, the Skylark, this bird is limited to certain localities in our islands.

The habits of the House Cricket (Gryllus domesticus) are nocturnal, like those of its congener of the fields.




