

Congo River

  1. River of central Africa , flowing through Democratic Republic of Congo to the Atlantic Ocean .

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Explored separately but simultaneously by the missionary David Livingstone and the journalist Henry Stanley, the Congo was the site of their proverbial encounter. ( See “Dr. Livingstone, I presume?” )
One of the world's longest rivers, it is Africa's largest potential source of electric power .
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Example Sentences

At the highest navigable point of the Congo River, thick jungle creates an impenetrable wall of green around a large island.

Victims were put into sacks, speared, and thrown into the Congo River.

Yambuku Breman peered out at the huge Congo River system as the flight took off.

As he spoke Mr. Wallace pulled out a pencil and pointed to the mouth of the Congo River.

On the northwest the main waters very likely have their rise in the near vicinity of the tributaries of the great Congo River.

The Congo River was for many years a veritable Will-o'-the-wisp to explorers.

Some of the tribes are found in the thick forests that lie along the northern side of the Congo River.

Also, a full description of his perilous descent, thrilling adventures and late labors on the Congo River.





Congo, Republic of thecongo snake