View synonyms for controvert
/ ˌkɒntrəˈvɜːt; ˈkɒntrəˌvɜːt /
- to deny, refute, or oppose (some argument or opinion)
- to argue or wrangle about
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Derived Forms
- ˌcontroˈvertible, adjective
- ˌcontroˈvertibly, adverb
- ˈcontroˌverter, noun
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Other Words From
- contro·verter contro·vertist noun
- contro·verti·ble adjective
- contro·verti·bly adverb
- un·contro·verted adjective
- un·contro·verted·ly adverb
- uncon·tro·verti·ble adjective
- uncon·tro·verti·bly adverb
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Word History and Origins
Origin of controvert1
First recorded in 1600–10; alteration of earlier controverse (from Latin contrōversus; controversy ) with -vert as in advert 1, convert 1
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Word History and Origins
Origin of controvert1
C17: from Latin contrōversus; see controversy
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Example Sentences
Karasowski, in his eagerness to controvert Liszt, although not going quite this length, nevertheless overshoots the mark.
From Project Gutenberg
He could not concur, but he would not attempt to controvert: opinion in this case must have even the precedence of justice.
From Project Gutenberg
The statement in this amendment does not controvert the right of revolution.
From Project Gutenberg
That evening Campanini was on hand, ready to controvert the very idea of an American prima donna daring to sing with him.
From Project Gutenberg
The doctrine of materialism, adverted to by Mr. Irvine, it is the province of divines to controvert.
From Project Gutenberg