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[ kuhp-ling ]


  1. the act of a person or thing that couples.
  2. Machinery.
    1. a device for joining two rotating shafts semipermanently at their ends so as to transmit torque from one to the other. Compare clutch 1( def 12a ).
    2. a part with an inside thread for connecting two pipes of the same diameter.
    3. a fitting at the end of a length of hose into which the end of another such length can be screwed or fitted.
  3. Railroads. coupler ( def 3 ).
  4. Electricity.
    1. the association of two circuits or systems in such a way that power may be transferred from one to the other.
    2. a device or expedient to ensure this.
  5. a short length of plumbing pipe having each end threaded on the inside.
  6. the part of the body between the tops of the shoulder blades and the tops of the hip joints in a dog, horse, etc.


/ ˈkʌplɪŋ /


  1. a mechanical device that connects two things
  2. a device for connecting railway cars or trucks together
  3. the part of the body of a horse, dog, or other quadruped that lies between the forequarters and the hindquarters
  4. electronics the act or process of linking two or more circuits so that power can be transferred between them usually by mutual induction, as in a transformer, or by means of a capacitor or inductor common to both circuits See also direct coupling
  5. physics an interaction between different properties of a system, such as a group of atoms or nuclei, or between two or more systems
  6. genetics the occurrence of two specified nonallelic genes from the same parent on the same chromosome
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of coupling1

Middle English word dating back to 1300–50; couple, -ing 1
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Example Sentences

The dangers of this ideological coupling should not be underestimated.

From Vox

Next up, scientists want to observe the lighter particles’ couplings.

Some studies go so far as to suggest that the 30-year decrease in the rate of coupling can be attributed largely to global trade and the 30-year decrease in the number of stable and well-paying jobs for American men that it brought with it.

From Time

Therapeutic deep brain stimulation reduces cortical phase-amplitude coupling in Parkinson’s disease.

What Matt Lohstroh, the co-founder of the startup Giga Energy Solutions, wanted to show with the video was that the coupling of those two environmentally dirty industries could in fact make both cleaner.

From Ozy

In fact, this is the only coupling in the film that makes any sense.

Coupling, Skins, Free Agents: Huge in the U.K., one-season flops in the U.S.

But in some ways, Graham and DeMint offer the perfect coupling.

At $75,000 per coupling, the potential profits are staggering.

The natural result was that anything further than unison coupling was seldom attempted.

The hose coupling makes it easy to connect the motor directly to the water faucet.

The end of the coupling having the small hole was slipped on the pump shaft and fastened with two setscrews.

The motor shaft being a little loose in the coupling, gave it a chance to work free without binding.

One end is provided with a regular coupling for connecting it to the line of good hose.


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