

View synonyms for crisis


[ krahy-sis ]


, plural cri·ses [krahy, -seez].
  1. a stage in a sequence of events at which the trend of all future events, especially for better or for worse, is determined; turning point.
  2. a condition of instability or danger, as in social, economic, political, or international affairs, leading to a decisive change.
  3. a dramatic emotional or circumstantial upheaval in a person's life.
  4. Medicine/Medical.
    1. the point in the course of a serious disease at which a decisive change occurs, leading either to recovery or to death.
    2. the change itself.
  5. the point in a play or story at which hostile elements are most tensely opposed to each other.


  1. of, referring to, or for use in dealing with a crisis.


/ ˈkraɪsɪs /


  1. a crucial stage or turning point in the course of something, esp in a sequence of events or a disease
  2. an unstable period, esp one of extreme trouble or danger in politics, economics, etc
  3. pathol a sudden change, for better or worse, in the course of a disease
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Other Words From

  • crisic adjective
  • post·crisis adjective noun plural postcrises
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Word History and Origins

Origin of crisis1

First recorded in 1375–1425; late Middle English, from Latin crisis “(medical) crisis,” from Greek krísis “decision, interpretation,” equivalent to kri- variant stem of krīnein “to decide, separate, judge” + -sis -sis
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Word History and Origins

Origin of crisis1

C15: from Latin: decision, from Greek krisis, from krinein to decide
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Synonym Study

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Example Sentences

The crisis first attracted attention earlier this year in the DRC where most cases were concentrated.

From Salon

He said it illustrated the need to "generate mass rapidly in the event of a crisis".

From BBC

They argued that his order violated the constitution, which says that the president can only declare martial law during wartime or a crisis of equivalent gravity.

Security agents arrested and dragged away a leading member of Georgia’s political opposition on Wednesday as the country plunged deeper into political crisis.

But with those repeated acts of kindness and generosity, I sensed a growing frustration and resentment, building up over time, in response to a human problem caused by a broken immigration system and “border crisis.”

From Salon


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What Is The Plural Of Crisis?

Plural word for crisis

The plural form of crisis is crises, pronounced [ krahy-seez ]. The plurals of several other singular words that end in -sis are also formed in the same way, including hypothesis/hypotheses, analysis/analyses, and axis/axes. A similar change is made when pluralizing appendix as appendices

Irregular plurals that are formed like crises derive directly from their original pluralization in Latin and Greek. 

Do you know: What is the plural of thesis?


