

View synonyms for denouement


or dé·noue·ment

[ dey-noo-mahn ]


  1. the final resolution of the intricacies of a plot, as of a drama or novel.
  2. the place in the plot at which this occurs.
  3. the outcome or resolution of a doubtful series of occurrences.

    Synonyms: upshot, end, conclusion, solution


/ deɪˈnuːmɒn; denumɑ̃ /


    1. the final clarification or resolution of a plot in a play or other work
    2. the point at which this occurs
  1. final outcome; solution
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. The solution or outcome of the plot of a play or novel : “In the dénouement of many tragedies , the main character dies.”

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Word History and Origins

Origin of denouement1

First recorded in 1745–55; from French: literally, “an untying,” equivalent to dénouer “to untie,” Old French desnoer ( des- + noer “to knot,” from Latin nōdāre, derivative of nōdus “knot”) + -ment; de-, -ment
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Word History and Origins

Origin of denouement1

C18: from French, literally: an untying, from dénouer to untie, from Old French desnoer, from des- de- + noer to tie, knot, from Latin nōdāre, from nōdus a knot; see node
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Example Sentences

We take pleasure in watching a plot unfold, including the suspense, climax, and denouement, and may choose not to spoil it by knowing the ending in advance.

This is why the denouement of Ratatouille has never quite hit me.

From Eater

For anyone who cared to watch, the event and its denouement provided a graphic demonstration that the Iron Curtain was crumbling.

The bloody denouement his wife had dreaded had come to pass.

The denouement itself appropriates the theme of the huntsman who spares the child he is obliged to kill.

So says the reawakened Duke Orsino at the denouement of Twelfth Night.

It is hardly a shocking denouement to a relationship that seemed doomed virtually from the start.

The denouement of his history was a tragic one, and had come a few days before the time when our narrative opens.

The plot becomes more intense and tragic, as it approaches toward the denouement.

The hour had now come for the denouement of that home tragedy which was being enacted in the Rue St. Gilles.

Our best plan is to remain silent and wait for the denouement.

Then came the denouement; the marriage arranged for him had been a mockery.


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