[ dis-uh-peerd ]
- having vanished from sight or existence:
Right this minute, the only thing I want to do is to find a way to recover my disappeared phone photos.
The museum displays tools and artifacts from an almost disappeared culture, known only from one archaeological site.
- (of a person) having vanished under suspicious or unknown circumstances:
Family members of the disappeared persons were denied the right to any effective remedy, including the right to know the fate of their loved ones.
- none the disappeared. people, especially political opponents, who have vanished under suspicious or unknown circumstances, or without due process of law:
The determination of the parents, grandparents, and—most recently—children of the disappeared is finally putting dictators, torturers, and their accomplices behind bars.
- the simple past tense and past participle of disappear ( def ).
Word History and Origins
Origin of disappeared1
Example Sentences
This generates a permissiveness to attack those who are defending human rights —relatives of disappeared persons—and try to cancel the work they do.
In that country at that moment, the Catholics have practically disappeared.
A Charlie Hebdo reporter said that security provision had been relaxed in the last month or so and the police car disappeared.
But even though he has been disappeared, Castro is not forgotten.
When the U.S. went to war with Japan, American movies disappeared.
There should be a retrievable record of exactly when the Airbus disappeared from radar.
His wife stood smiling and waving, the boys shouting, as he disappeared in the old rockaway down the sandy road.
"But I can't stop to argue about it now;" and, saying this, he turned into a side path, and disappeared in the wood.
I saw Cardinal de Giovenozzo this morning; and he tells me that Wharton has disappeared.
Just as it disappeared from view he caught a glimpse of a charming little girl, peeping out of a latticed window beside the door.
Long after the boats had disappeared, the kites could still be seen among the gorgeous clouds.