[ fer-oo-luh, fer-yoo- ]
, plural fer·u·las, fer·u·lae [fer, -, oo, -lee, fer, -y, oo, -].
- Botany. any of various plants belonging to the genus Ferula, of the parsley family, chiefly of the Mediterranean region and central Asia, generally tall and coarse with dissected leaves, many of the Asian species yielding strongly scented, medicinal gum resins.
/ ˌfɛruːˈleɪʃəs; ˌfɛrjuː-; ˈfɛrʊlə; ˈfɛrjʊ- /
- any large umbelliferous plant of the Mediterranean genus Ferula , having thick stems and dissected leaves: cultivated as the source of several strongly scented gum resins, such as galbanum
- a rare word for ferule 1
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Derived Forms
- ferulaceous, adjective
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Word History and Origins
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Word History and Origins
Origin of ferula1
C14: from Latin: giant fennel
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Example Sentences
Of Umbelliferae there exists in the low country one Ferula, a small tree of unknown properties.
From Project Gutenberg
An inferior sort is the product of certain species of Ferula.
From Project Gutenberg
The old gentleman jumped up, ferula in hand, and darted across the school, and saw himself upon the fatal slate.
From Project Gutenberg
There also are found in abundance the great umbelliferous plants—Ferula glauca, Ferula candelabra, and the Ferula asafœtida.
From Project Gutenberg
With a bounding heart, he tossed away his ferula, and hastened to the scene, where joys for evermore seemed calling on him.
From Project Gutenberg