Fisher King
[ fish-er king ]
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After a day off from shooting The Fisher King, Robin Williams decides to work out.
From The Daily Beast
Perceval is to enter it, cross the river, and on the other side he will find a road leading to the Fisher King.
From Project Gutenberg
Perceval comes at last to the castle of the Fisher King, whom he finds on a couch as heretofore.
From Project Gutenberg
The Fisher King (roi pcheur) was the regular title of the Grail kings.
From Project Gutenberg
Brons, the Fisher King, is to wait for his grandson, and to hand him the vessel which he received from Joseph.
From Project Gutenberg
In receiving the sword the Fisher King wounds himself through the thighs, and may not be healed until he be avenged on Partinal.
From Project Gutenberg