View synonyms for foliate
[ adjective foh-lee-it, -eyt; verb foh-lee-eyt ]
- covered with or having leaves.
- like a leaf, as in shape.
- Petrology, Mineralogy. foliated ( def 2 ).
verb (used without object)
, fo·li·at·ed, fo·li·at·ing.
- to put forth leaves.
- to split into thin leaflike layers or laminae.
verb (used with object)
, fo·li·at·ed, fo·li·at·ing.
- to shape like a leaf or leaves.
- to decorate with foils or foliage.
- to form into thin sheets.
- to spread over with a thin metallic backing.
- Printing. to number the folios or leaves, as distinguished from pages, of (a manuscript or book).
- relating to, possessing, or resembling leaves
- in combination
- (of certain metamorphic rocks, esp schists) having the constituent minerals arranged in thin leaflike layers
- tr to ornament with foliage or with leaf forms such as foils
- to hammer or cut (metal) into thin plates or foil
- tr to coat or back (glass, etc) with metal foil
- tr to number the leaves of (a book, manuscript, etc) Compare paginate
- intr (of plants) to grow leaves
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Other Words From
- sub·foli·ate adjective
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Word History and Origins
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Word History and Origins
Origin of foliate1
C17: from Latin foliātus leaved, leafy
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Example Sentences
High pillars with crocketed and foliate capitals supported the springing of the large irregular arches.
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The general effect of the design remained the same, but the foliate ornamentation gave place to angular outlines.
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The capitals of the naves triforium are said to mark the culmination of Gothic art in foliate design.
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The south portal (c. 1260), sculptured with elaborate foliate ornament, has images of unequal merit.
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The triforium was begun elaborately, with much foliate decoration, but economy soon forced the architect to adopt a simpler plan.
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