gee whiz
2[ jee-hwiz, -wiz ]
- arousing or characterized by surprise, wonder, or triumphant achievement:
a gee-whiz technology; a gee-whiz reaction to the sight of the Grand Canyon.
- informal.impressive or amazing
gee-whiz special effects
Word History and Origins
Origin of gee whiz1
Origin of gee whiz2
Word History and Origins
Origin of gee whiz1
Idioms and Phrases
An expression of surprise, dismay, or enthusiasm. For example, Gee whiz, Dad, I thought you'd let me borrow the car , or Gee whiz, they finally won the Series! This term is thought to be a euphemism for “Jesus Christ.” [ Slang ; 1870s]Example Sentences
As archetypically “presidential” as Mitt Romney seemed, his perfectly square, gee whiz speech style was part of what did him in.
That was the era of airy elegance and feeble clown shows, of yuck-yuck punchlines and toothy performers saying "Gee whiz!"
Gee whiz, O.J., couldn't you have just been boring like most athletes and almost all celebrities?
We lit our pipes and strolled over in silence to the men's quarters, and it was his odd Canadian expression "Gee whiz!"
Monday is meatless and Tuesday is dry,Wednesday is sugarless, too, gee whiz!
Gee whiz I hate to think of the Yanks comin runnin over there with felers like that among them.
Gee whiz, and he wares white wings dose he, and jumps up in the air.
Gee whiz, I couldn't blame him, especially on account of the high cost of living.
Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.