View synonyms for Gehenna
[ gi-hen-uh ]
- (in the Bible) the valley of Hinnom, near Jerusalem, where propitiatory sacrifices were made to Moloch.
- any place of extreme torment or suffering.
/ ɡɪˈhɛnə /
- Old Testament the valley below Jerusalem, where children were sacrificed and where idolatry was practised (II Kings 23:10; Jeremiah 19:6) and where later offal and refuse were slowly burned
- New Testament Judaism a place where the wicked are punished after death
- a place or state of pain and torment
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Word History and Origins
Origin of Gehenna1
From Late Latin, from Greek Géenna, from Hebrew Gē-Hinnōm “hell,” short for gē ben Hinnōm, literally, “valley of the son of Hinnom”
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Word History and Origins
Origin of Gehenna1
C16: from Late Latin, from Greek Geena, from Hebrew Gê' Hinnōm, literally: valley of Hinnom, symbolic of hell
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Example Sentences
The hose shot forth a flash like a diamond; the water-spirit fell into the glowing Gehenna.
From Project Gutenberg
Follow me not; for, as the Most High rules, you shall curse disobedience in the quenchless Gehenna!
From Project Gutenberg
Dow overheard the remark, and rising, preached to his hearers such a sermon on Gehenna that they never forgot it, or him.
From Project Gutenberg
Row—row, you blue-faced sons of Gehenna, or she'll eat all four of you!
From Project Gutenberg
The leader of one line was Gehenna, and the next two ships astern of her were Eblis and Shaitan, in the order given.
From Project Gutenberg