

View synonyms for gloomy


[ gloo-mee ]


, gloom·i·er, gloom·i·est.
  1. dark or dim; deeply shaded:

    gloomy skies.

    Synonyms: threatening, lowering, dusky, shadowy, obscure

  2. causing gloom; dismal or depressing:

    a gloomy prospect.

  3. filled with or showing gloom; sad, dejected, or melancholy.

    Synonyms: dispirited, glum, depressed, despondent, downhearted, downcast

    Antonyms: happy

  4. hopeless or despairing; pessimistic:

    a gloomy view of the future.


/ ˈɡluːmɪ /


  1. dark or dismal
  2. causing depression, dejection, or gloom

    gloomy news

  3. despairing; sad
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Derived Forms

  • ˈgloomily, adverb
  • ˈgloominess, noun
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Other Words From

  • gloomi·ly adverb
  • gloomi·ness noun
  • over·gloomi·ly adverb
  • over·gloomi·ness noun
  • over·gloomy adjective
  • un·gloomi·ly adverb
  • un·gloomy adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of gloomy1

First recorded in 1580–90; gloom + -y 1
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Synonym Study

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Example Sentences

It’s a conflict as stark as the gleeful “rooty-toot-toot” of Hardin’s vehicle as he approaches residences and the gloomy necessity of his task.

On a spring evening last year, 400-plus revelers tuned in to Virtual Cryfest — a no-cover, gloomy-tunes online dance party for fans of Goth and “darkwave” music.

On July 4, despite all the bad news and the gloomy outlook, Americans pause to celebrate the independence of their nation by reducing entire neighborhoods to smoking rubble with illegal fireworks.

Each of their free agencies is a direct product of a gloomy offseason.

Chelsea and Manchester United look to be on the rise, having both been very active in the transfer market, while Sara’s Tottenham Hotspur and Tony’s Arsenal are bracing for gloomier prospects.

Yet this, in the end, is a book from which one emerges sad, gloomy, disenchanted, at least if we agree to take it seriously.

The running machines are a gloomy chorus of heavy-footed stomping.

But the more you get involved in it, the more gloomy you become.

He excluded “instances of repeated gloomy forebodings which on one occasion happened to be right.”

Hemingway wrote of crossing a stream into a “gloomy little village.”

Turn we our backs to the cold gloomy north, to the wet windy west, to the dry parching east—on to the south!

It was broad daylight still, but gloomy there: the window had the pleasure of reposing under the leads, and was gloomy at noon.

Under the present order and with the present gloomy preconceptions they have been the least of its collective cares.

Rabecque, reflecting his master's mood—as becomes a good lackey—rode silent and gloomy a pace or two in the rear.

With these words, the beadle strode, with a lofty and gloomy air, from the undertakers premises.




