


[ gree-koh-roh-muhn, grek-oh- ]


  1. of or having both Greek and Roman characteristics:

    the Greco-Roman influence.

  2. pertaining to or designating a style of the fine arts developed in Rome or the Roman Empire from the middle of the 1st century b.c. to the early 4th century a.d., chiefly characterized by an apparent indebtedness to Greek forms or motifs modified by technological innovation, monumental scale, the combination of symbolic with narrative treatment of subject matter, and an emphasis on the commemorative aspect of a work of art.


  1. a style of wrestling in which the contestants are forbidden to trip, tackle, and use holds below the waist. Compare catch-as-catch-can ( def 1 ).
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Example Sentences

It also alludes to “the journey of the soul through the Underworld,” notes the London-born artist’s statement in another nod to Greco-Roman lore.

It started in the south, Chan says, then spread to Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, and Iran, as well as to the Greco-Roman world.

This era, artistically speaking, harped on Greco-Roman mythology, with masculinity steeped in classical heroism.

Several women, including Melissa McCarthy and Milla Jovovich, have shown up wearing Greco-Roman gowns.

Seeck thinks that a general weariness of life in the Greco-Roman world caused indifference 103to procreation.

Whether these oriental forms of the mimus were derived from the Greco-Roman world is uncertain.

Arfe's ideal in these matters may readily be judged of from his written verdict on the Greco-Roman architecture.

It had to go to school to Greco-Roman civilization; it also borrowed rather than evolved its culture.

It will preserve something two thousand years hence—probably those latest Greco-Roman façades which it is building now.





Greco, Elgree