


[ gi-tahr ]


  1. a stringed musical instrument with a long, fretted neck, a flat, somewhat violinlike body, and typically six strings, which are plucked with the fingers or with a plectrum.


/ ɡɪˈtɑː /


  1. music a plucked stringed instrument originating in Spain, usually having six strings, a flat sounding board with a circular sound hole in the centre, a flat back, and a fretted fingerboard. Range: more than three octaves upwards from E on the first leger line below the bass staff See also electric guitar bass guitar Hawaiian guitar
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. A stringed musical instrument ( see strings ) usually played by strumming or plucking. Guitars are widely used in folk music and, often amplified electronically, in country and western music and rock 'n' roll .

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Derived Forms

  • guiˈtar-ˌlike, adjective
  • guiˈtarist, noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of guitar1

1615–25; < Spanish guitarra < Arabic kītārah Greek kithára kithara
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Word History and Origins

Origin of guitar1

C17: from Spanish guitarra, from Arabic qītār, from Greek kithara cithara
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Example Sentences

Practicing guitar in a chair with arms can be pretty tricky.

He also plays guitar well enough to have at least once sat in at Nashville’s Bluebird Cafe, the jumping-off venue for such notables as Garth Brooks and Taylor Swift.

From Time

Getting his first guitar at 13, he formed a musical group called the Heppers, playing the popular skiffle music of the time.

Eva had sung it during a gig at the Maryland Inn in Annapolis, accompanying herself on guitar.

This tough, stretchy, lightweight plastic shows up in everything from swimsuits and sportswear to fishing line and guitar strings.

He played it through once, singing the lyrics softly to his own guitar accompaniment.

The guitar is tuned to E, and an Eminor chord on a guitar just rings and rings forever.

This performance of Bob Dylan's 1971 blues tune features Clapton on guitar.

Sid Vicious is stomping all over Steve Jones, about to smash in his guitar (again).

He captures Ramone and his second wife, Barbara, together in the studio in one photo, him on bass, her on guitar.

See the ease and grace of the lady in the sacque, who sits on the bank there, under the myrtles, with the guitar on her lap!

It was eleven o'clock before the river was crossed and the headquarters of Colonel Guitar reached.

Of this force, Colonel Guitar ordered one hundred to accompany him to Fulton.

When this became known to the few Union inhabitants of Fulton they implored Guitar not to do it.

Lawrence and Dan were told of the danger that threatened Fulton, and they determined to accompany Guitar in his expedition.




