


[ han-dee-kap-er ]


  1. Horse Racing.
    1. a racetrack official or employee who assigns the weight a horse must carry in a race.
    2. a person employed, as by a newspaper, to make predictions on the outcomes of horse races.
  2. a person who determines the handicaps that will be placed on competitors.


/ ˈhændɪˌkæpə /


  1. an official appointed to assign handicaps to competitors in such sports as golf and horse racing
  2. a newspaper columnist employed to estimate the chances that horses have of winning races
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of handicapper1

First recorded in 1745–55; handicap + -er 1
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Example Sentences

As a result, election handicappers at The Cook Political Report, Inside Elections and Sabato’s Crystal Ball all rate Virginia as more competitive than New Jersey.

Nonpartisan handicappers say this leans Republican but could go Democratic under the right conditions.

In fact, circumstances seem so dire for the GOP that election handicappers like the Cook Political Report think the Democrats — once underdogs — are slightly favored to take back the GOP-controlled Senate, too.

According to Charlie Cook, the Capitol Hill handicapper, nine Senate races now qualify as "tossups."

If he has one it is because the handicapper has been careless.

Then again, he is the official handicapper—another strong man's job—with powers which cannot be overestimated.

He is also the official handicapper, which is a mighty good thing to bear in mind when you play against him.

He's a fourteen pound better horse than Ding Dong ever was; a handicapper would separate them that much on their form.

I had just received it from the "official handicapper," and was considerably interested to find what my men had been given.





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