

View synonyms for heartache


[ hahrt-eyk ]


  1. emotional pain or distress; sorrow; grief; anguish.


/ ˈhɑːtˌeɪk /


  1. intense anguish or mental suffering
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Other Words From

  • heartaching adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of heartache1

before 1000; Middle English hert ache, Old English heort ece; heart, ache
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Example Sentences

I’ll always cherish the experiences and wonderful adventures cycling has given me while also acknowledging that it has brought me plenty of heartache and disappointment, and I’m emotionally and mentally exhausted.

On the 10th anniversary of the case, the Polk County Sheriff’s Office put out a video in which Rose’s mother, Candus Harer, who is also Summer’s grandmother, talked about the heartache.

No stadium required During a major sporting event, fans look for a place to go — somewhere to share their joy or heartache with other fans.

From Digiday

She said she and her co-workers could have avoided heartache if the company had simply addressed her questions and found FDA-authorized masks back in May.

His success later in the afternoon has staggered a nation and sent two families reeling from heartache that never diminishes.

But now the feelings of heartache increased as the workload diminished.

Take responsibility for yourself and your loved ones for these situations carry great burden and heartache.

With each new tragedy that unfolds comes grief and heartache, but also an opportunity to educate.

Now comes the real heartache, the stuff I could write a country song about.

I'll wager those are seniors, who already feel a little heartache because their college years are so nearly over.

Should he condemn himself and Doris Cleveland to heartache and loneliness because of a technicality?

So there my darling boat lay idly in the lagoon—a useless thing, whose sight filled me with heartache and despair.

Her position is not a happy one, but she must smile and be gay and hide her heartache.

But the great happiness that was Roland's was not without its heartache.





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