

View synonyms for horripilation


[ haw-rip-uh-ley-shuhn, ho- ]


  1. a bristling of the hair on the skin from cold, fear, etc.; goose bumps.


/ hɒˌrɪpɪˈleɪʃən /


  1. a technical name for goose flesh
  2. the erection of any short bodily hairs
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of horripilation1

First recorded in 1650–60; from Late Latin horripilātiōn- (stem of horripilātiō ); horripilate, -ion
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Word History and Origins

Origin of horripilation1

C17: from Late Latin horripilātiō a bristling, from Latin horrēre to stand on end + pilus hair
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Example Sentences

I can’t have been the only person who spent the evening in a pretty much constant state of horripilation.

Call it serendipity or synchronicity, issue your panegyrics, soak up the horripilation and admire the pulchritudinous: This was meant to be.

Some of the sufferers have an external horripilation, transient shiverings are felt in the front and hind quarters and at the junction of the limbs with the trunk.

But, suddenly, through all the horripilation there seemed to shine a light.

The whole company were in a state of horripilation.


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More About Horripilation

What does horripilation mean?

Horripilation is a technical term for what happens when your hair stands up, such as when you’re cold, scared, or excited.

We popularly call this goose bumps (or goose pimples, gooseflesh, or goose skin). Other technical names for it are piloerection and cutis anserina.

Horripilation doesn’t only happen in humans. When some animals get startled or threatened, their fur raises in response. (When the fur becomes raised in this way on the neck, such as on a dog or cat, we say they’ve raised their hackles.)

The same thing happens in humans, and is usually most noticeable in places where we don’t have much hair or the hair is very fine, such as the arms and neck.

The verb horripilate means to trigger horripilation—to give someone goose bumps, as in Horror movies have the power to horripilate the viewer. It can also mean to experience horripilation—to get goose bumps.

Example: A well-known example of horripilation in animals is the raising of a porcupine’s quills.

Where does horripilation come from?

The first records of the word horripilation come from the 1600s. It comes from the Late Latin horripilātiō, “a bristling.” The first part comes from the Latin verb horrēre, “to stand on end,” “to tremble,” or “to bristle with fear.” The second part comes from the Latin pilus, meaning “hair” (the pilo- part of piloerection can be traced back to the same root). The word horror (and related words like horrific and horrifying) also derives from horrēre and is based on hair standing on end due to fear.

Horripilation in response to being scared has led to the term hair-raising to describe a frightening experience. Biologically speaking, horripilation is an involuntary reaction called the pilomotor reflex. It involves the contraction of tiny muscles at the base of each hair follicle called arrector pili (a name that’s based on the same roots as piloerection). This contraction results in the hairs standing up. When there’s no hair there or the hairs are very small, this reaction appears as bumps on the skin. These bumps are said to resemble those on the skin of a goose that has had its feathers plucked, hence the name goose bumps.

Did you know ... ?

What are some other forms related to horripilation?

What are some synonyms for horripilation?

What are some words that share a root or word element with horripilation

What are some words that often get used in discussing horripilation?


How is horripilation used in real life?

Horripilation is a technical term. In everyday conversation, people usually just say goose bumps or similar terms.



Try using horripilation!

Which of the following things can trigger horripilation?

A. fear
B. cold
C. excitement
D. all of the above


