


[ ahy-suh-dahy-uh-me-trik ]


  1. having equal diameters or axes.
  2. (of a spore or cell) having nearly equal diameters throughout.
  3. (of crystals) having two, or three, equal horizontal axes and a third, or fourth, unequal axis at right angles thereto.


/ ˌaɪsəʊˌdaɪəˈmɛtrɪk /


  1. having diameters of the same length
  2. (of a crystal) having three equal axes
  3. (of a cell or similar body) having a similar diameter in all planes
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of isodiametric1

First recorded in 1880–85; iso- + diametric
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Example Sentences

Isodiametric, ī-so-dī-a-met′rik, adj. being of equal diameters.


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More About Isodiametric

What does isodiametric mean?

Isodiametric describes having the same diameters or axes.

When two objects have the same diameter, they are isodiametric—that is, they have the same circular width. Two isodiametric objects may look alike, or they may look different and be different shapes. For example, two ovals could be isodiametric at their horizontal diameter but have completely different vertical diameters.

Isodiametric is especially used in geometry and any field that involves geometric design, such as architecture, engineering, or design. 

In botany, isodiametric is used to describe a plant’s parenchyma cells, most of which are unspecialized. This is why they are isodiametric, or of similar size and shape.

In geology and crystallography, isodiametric describes crystals with two or three equal horizontal axes and an additional, unequal axis at right angles.

Example: The two celestial bodies are isodiametric, leading us to believe they may be similar in other ways as well.

Where does isodiametric come from?

The first records of the term isodiametric come from around the 1880s. It combines the combining form iso-, meaning “equal,” and the term diametric, meaning “related to a straight line through the center of a circle or sphere.” Isodiametric means “of equal diameter.” 

Did you know ... ?

What are some words that share a root or word element with isodiametric

What are some words that often get used in discussing isodiametric?

How is isodiametric used in real life?

Isodiametric is most commonly used in the fields of geometry, biology, botany, or geology to discuss items with equal diameters. 



Try using isodiametric!

True or False?

If two objects are isodiametric, they are the same size and shape.



