

View synonyms for jackanapes


[ jak-uh-neyps ]


  1. an impertinent, presumptuous person, especially a young man; whippersnapper.
  2. an impudent, mischievous child.
  3. Archaic. an ape or monkey.


/ ˈdʒækəˌneɪps /


  1. a conceited impertinent person
  2. a mischievous child
  3. archaic.
    a monkey
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of jackanapes1

1400–50; late Middle English Jakken-apes, literally, jack (i.e., man) of the ape, nickname of William de la Pole (1396–1450), Duke of Suffolk, whose badge was an ape's clog and chain
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Word History and Origins

Origin of jackanapes1

C16: variant of Jakken-apes , literally: Jack of the ape, nickname of William de la Pole (1396–1450), first Duke of Suffolk, whose badge showed an ape's ball and chain
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Example Sentences

“And that,” his manner seemed to say, “is one for you, you interfering little jackanapes.”

At this uncomfortable juncture, I perceived with no little confusion that Bono watched us, grinning a wide, jackanapes smile; which cajolery threw me into more distress.

The jackanapes in the slashed pink doublet hissed.

But after four cocktails the Coney Island jackanapes started to mislay its manners.

From BBC

"By his extreme youth, he can only be a prancing jackanapes, and so I name him."


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