


or Jam·shyd

[ jam-sheed ]


, Persian Mythology.
  1. the king of the peris who, given a human form as punishment for his boast of immortality, became a powerful and wonder-working Persian king.


/ dʒæmˈʃiːd /


  1. Persian myth a ruler of the peris who was punished for bragging that he was immortal by being changed into human form. He then became a great king of Persia See also peri
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Example Sentences

The undercover later returned to get his shirts and the manager, Jamshid Bahrami, presented him with the Zig-Zags.

“What happened today in Karachi and Peshawar is long-term bad news for the campaign against polio in Pakistan,” says Jamshid.

Jamshid and Mahmoud reflect the majority, these “poineers” of their societies.

Jamshid does not see our embassies and consulates as forts, but rather as symbols of a better tomorrow.

After graduating from high school, Jamshid took an English class and quickly learned to speak and write.

Jamshid replies: "Where a man is, a woman's aid is not required; give me the bow."

The east building is the Harem of Jamshid, situated on a vast terrace of Cyclopean masonry, at the foot of a lofty mountain range.

Jamshid drew the string and struck the female bird so skilfully that both wings were transfixed with the body.




